Sunday, April 26, 2015

O2A import Issue in DS

If you are getting below issue(Error) while importing the O2A cartridge .

Problem :-
Order Template Element Types Conflict

Solution :-

Please follow below simple steps

  1. In Design Studio, from the Window menu, select Preferences, then select Oracle Design Studio, and then select Order and Service Management Preferences.
  2. In the Order Template Inheritance field, do the following:
    • To allow significance defined on an order template data element to be inherited from child orders and other order contributors, select Inherit significance from order contributors.
    • To allow keys defined on an order to be inherited from child orders and from other order contributors, select Inherit keys from order contributors.
    Design Studio sets the order template inheritance preferences you specify as a global preference.
  3. Click OK.
    Design Studio saves your order template inheritance preferences and closes the Preferences dialog box.
  4. Clean and build the cartridges.
  5. Resolve any problem markers that may result from order template inheritance discrepancies in your cartridges.
reference  Oracle  

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