Tuesday, February 17, 2015

About Behaviors

About Behaviors
 Behaviors means to control  the data element values , there are various way  and 3 level to achieve the it.

Examples of behaviors 

You can specify the maximum allowed digit for phone number field .

You can add the values of multiple fields like first name and last name  and display the sum in another field like customer name(first+last) .

You can specify the minimum and maximum times that a data element can be used in an order.

For example, an order might require that exactly two IP addresses are added.

OSM Behaviors

  • Calculation Computes the value of a field value based on a formula that references order data.
  • Constraint Specifies a condition that must be met for the data to be considered valid.
  • Data Instance Declares an instance that can be used by other behaviors.
  • Event Specifies an action that is performed when data is modified.
  • Information Specifies the label, hint, and help information for the data element instance.
  • Lookup Specifies a set of dynamically generated choices from which you can select.
  • Read Only Specifies whether a value can be modified or not.
  • Relevant Specifies whether data is visible or hidden.
  • Style Specifies the visual appearance of fields.

Evaluating Behavior Levels

In Design Studio, you can create behaviors for data nodes at three levels:

  • Data element level (most general)
  • Order level (more specific)
  • Task level (most specific)

OSM evaluates behaviors from the general level to the specific level. For example, OSM evaluates behavior conditions defined at the data element level first, and evaluates behaviors defined for data nodes at the task level last. At run-time, OSM determines which level to use for a behavior type and data node combination and evaluates rules from that level only.

For example, consider that you create a Calculation behavior at the data element level, and for the same data node you create a Calculation behavior at the order level. In this scenario, OSM would never evaluate the conditions defined for the Calculate behavior at the order level (unless you force evaluation using the Override or Final options), even if all of the conditions defined for the behavior at the data element level evaluate to false.

OSM does, however, evaluate different types of behaviors defined for a data node at different levels. For example, if for the same data node you define a Calculation behavior at the data element level and a Constraint behavior at the order level, OSM evaluates the conditions for both behaviors at run-time.

You can force local, specific exceptions to the way behaviors are evaluated for a given node by selecting the Override and Final check boxes on the appropriate Behaviors Properties view Details tab in Design Studio. You can select the Override attribute to allow the behavior to take precedence over any other behavio

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