Friday, February 13, 2015

About Using Automation

Two basic types of built-in automation plug-ins:
1.Sender :-The plug-in will receive data, perform some work, then send data to external systems .
2.Automator :- The plug-in will receive data and perform some work .

Event Type
1.Internal Event Receiver :- An event occurs within OSM,creates a message and sends it to the internal message queue.
2.External Event Receiver :- An event occurs in external system and send message to external queue and automation framework subscribes
 to the external message queue through the information you define on the External Event Receiver tab of the automation definition


 The AbstractAutomator can receive information, either from OSM or from an external system.
 The AbstractSendAutomator inherits this ability, so it can also receive information from OSM or from an external system;
 however, it can also send information. If the custom automation plug-in you are writing is to send a message,
 it should extend the AbstractSendAutomator class; otherwise, it should extend the AbstractAutomator class

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