Monday, February 9, 2015

OSM Data Significance

Data Significance  become important when Order amendment  is triggered , on the basis of Data Significance OSM decide whether Data need to be updated or not .

By default, all data is flagged significant.
We can make any data structure  as Significant or non-Significant , During amendment processing,
OSM identifies all tasks in the order that are affected
by the changed order data then determines whether the data being changed is flagged as significant ,
because OSM compensate only those tasks that process significant data

Level Of Significance

Data Dictionary(High) --->  Order template data -----> Task data(Low)

Changes to non-significant data are updated on the in-flight order. For example, if the
customer’s preferred contact method (email or text message) is marked as
non-significant, a revision order that changes only that data does not trigger
amendment processing. Instead, the base order is changed, and the revision order is

completed without starting amendment processing. The next task that uses the
changed data uses the updated values.

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